Please enter how long you have been practicing capoeira and your highest belt. If no experience, leave blank.
Please enter where you have trained. If you have no previous training, leave blank.
Please enter how long you have been practicing capoeira and your highest belt. If no experience, leave blank.
Please enter where you have trained. If you have no previous training, leave blank.
Please enter how long you have been practicing capoeira and your highest belt. If no experience, leave blank.
Please enter where you have trained. If you have no previous training, leave blank.
Please enter how long you have been practicing capoeira and your highest belt. If no experience, leave blank.
Please enter where you have trained. If you have no previous training, leave blank.
Please enter how long you have been practicing capoeira and your highest belt. If no experience, leave blank.
Please enter where you have trained. If you have no previous training, leave blank.
Please enter how long you have been practicing capoeira and your highest belt. If no experience, leave blank.
Please enter where you have trained. If you have no previous training, leave blank.
I, the participant(s), desiring to participate with the above named organization, do so at my own risk, realizing athletic participation in general can increase the risk of injury and that capoeira in particular has its own unique risk factors. By permitting me to participate in classes, workshops, performances and/or related programs or events, the Capoeira Institute Southwest and Capoeira Mandinga Tucson do not assume responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages incurred by me as a result of participating. I fully understand that I shall bear full responsibility for the consequences of my own actions. I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against the Capoeira Institute, Capoeira Institute Southwest and Capoeira Mandinga Tucson for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in the program. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition that would prevent my participation in the classes, workshops, performances or events. I understand and agree: to follow instructions and act respectfully towards instructors and other students (parents are expected to help implement this rule for minors); to pay in full the fees for the respective workshops, batizado and events (fees are non-refundable); Capoeira Institute, Capoeira Institute Southwest and Capoeira Mandinga Tucson are not responsible for money or items lost or stolen, damaged or left behind in the studios or performance sites; Capoeira Institute, Capoeira Institute Southwest and Capoeira Mandinga Tucson may use video and/or photographs taken during workshops or performances for publicity and/or advertising purposes without payment due; video taping is not allowed without the express permission of Capoeira Mandinga Tucson.